
Oswald Perktold

How the gold has shone
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
copyright location:
English translation by:
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Italian translation by:
Nicole D´Incecco
So, if I so remember - these were people who were so: They were previously so and were subsequently equal. Where is the - went off without a trace to the outside - in my opinion and my perception - without a trace. There were people - I've always admired - who had a band who have played, who played saxophone, accordion. They were agile, intelligent, and just on appearances, they have a great deal. Not so closed, as one would suspect at this rock in this Talk Air, in the three months, no sun - Of course, this gold has brought a bit of a gloss. But even three months seems no sun in the winter because of the high mountains. I could not say - because in the succession, in my generation were again two - two people in a family that just - one has come even 13 years in prison - who had this mentality. The - I can not say these are crooks, but just from - one is doomed - that was - was a lawyer, is easy to become fatal, including that he wanted. That was an odd clique in Innsbruck, who wanted to belong. And as he realized that he does not succeed in that group can, that is - yes, that would be a different story. Because he wanted to kill the ringleaders have.